Saturday, July 16, 2011 | 0 comments
Feel like writing something, but i always cant find a topic to start. Hmmm. Tmrw is our school carnival, most of the ppl are busy preparing for their food stalls and games. Went to school just now, but didnt help much. Tmrw will have to go to school earlier again. Hope our game can be a success. NERF GUNS AWESOME :D 这几个星期都很忙。考试快要开始了,大家都在忙着念书,我呢。每天都在浪费时间的我,算什么啊。还想那么多毕业后的路干嘛呢?成绩不好去哪儿都不行。唉懊恼中...
学会的事,还剩一个比较大型的歌唱比赛,然后就是我们的最后一次活动了。真的,虽然时常说为了学会很烦,但眼看要结束后,又觉得有点怅然若失。一年的任期就快结束了。对于明年的筹委也一直放心不下。呵呵真的是罗嗦的老人家啊。喔,期待年尾的欢送会 ^^